Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory
Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory

Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory Notes

Note 1   To be included in the Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory
If you would like to be listed in the Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory, please submit the following information

  • Personal Name or Nickname
  • Preferred E-mail Address
  • Web Site URL   [if any]
  • [ICQ # or AOL IM name:]  [if any]
  • Location   [Country required; nearest large City + Province/Territory/State would be nice]
  • Number of Wallabies/Kangaroos  [plus gender breakdown, if known]
  • Species of Wallaby/Kangaroo   [scientific or common name(s), if known]
  • Breeder , Hobby Breeder or Pet Owner
  • (Telephone numbers & street addresses will be listed only within the pop-up Extra Information Window.)
to WallabyMania or use the following form:  

Note 2   Extra Information Window
A pop-up Extra Information Window is available for each person listed in the Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory. You activate it by simply clicking on the     icon to the right of the "# of Wallabies/Kangaroos" line.

The additional information that you may list in the Extra Information Window may include:

  • The names and species of your Wallabies/Kangaroos
  • Their colours, birth dates, etc
  • Photos of your Wallabies/Kangaroos
  • Other web page URLs you might have
  • A link to your classified Wallaby/Kangaroo ad at WallabyMania Classified Ads
You may include a photo of yourself as well as personal information such as telephone numbers or street addresses [but only in the Extra Information Window in order to protect your privacy] .

The basic criteria is that anything listed or referenced [via a hyperlink] must be suitable for family viewing. WallabyMania reserves the right to edit entries for readability, grammar, and spelling as well as appropriateness.

If the Extra Information you would like listed requires a fair amount of formatting, WallabyMania may ask you to perform some of it as my free time is rather constrained. Furthermore, WallabyMania would be able to make updates at the most once every week or two [usually weekends] . Hence, that is why classified ads would be best placed at WallabyMania Classified Ads .

Please realize that the size of the pop-up windows is being limited to approximately 400w x 450h pixels. However, extra content can be viewed by using the scroll bars that will appear automatically. Furthermore, the pop-up window can be resized manually by the viewer.

Submissions for your Extra Information Window may be submitted directly via e-mail to WallabyMania or via the following Extra Information Form:

Note 3   Spam Protection
JavaScript security protocols have been employed to prevent harvesting of each e-mail address by automated web-bots or spiders to protect each person from unsolicited commercial e-mail [spam].

Note 4   Sort Order
Directory entries are sorted within each country according to the first character in the e-mail address and are based upon voluntarily submitted information. If you have been included in error, please indicate so to WallabyMania as soon as possible. If you would like to be included or have some information altered please indicate so via the on-line Sign-up Form as mentioned in Note 1.

Note 5   Intended Usage
This Directory is intended solely for the private use of Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners for the purposes of information exchange, selling/purchasing/adoption of Wallabies & Kangaroos, vacation relief, supplies, equipment, and emergencies.

This web site was developed with Netscape 4.x and has been successfully tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.

Note 6   WallabyMania Classified Ads

WallabyMania is pleased to announce that WallabyMania Classified Ads are now available for your convenience. WallabyMania Classified Ads will enable you to post and view ads indicating Wallabies/Kangaroos for sale, Wallabies/Kangaroos for adoption, Wallabies/Kangaroos wanted, plus ads for other Marsupials and related equipment and supplies.

To access WallabyMania Classified Ads, select "WallabyMania Classified Ads" in the drop-down menu at the top of the screen or by using the following button:

The following Rules and Regulations are in effect for WallabyMania Classified Ads:

  • The ads must concern Wallabies, Kangaroos, and/or related equipment and supplies.
  • You MUST include a valid e-mail address along with any other pertinent contact information.
  • You should indicate quantity, price, time deadlines, LOCATION, etc., along with a good description.
  • Ad content should be suitable for family viewing.
  • WallabyMania reserves the right to approve any ads and to remove them without notice.
  • Commercial pet/animal sites can NOT post more than one [1] ad at any given time. Failure to observe this will result in the latest ad(s) being removed without notice.
  • WallabyMania makes no warrantees regarding any classified ad(s) and will not assume any liability relating to any classified ad.

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Created by WallabyMania

© 1999-2007 WallabyMania & AniMania The concept, design, and all content of WallabyMania and the Wallaby & Kangaroo Owners Directory as well as the terms "WallabyMania", "Wallabymania", "wallabymania", "Wallaby Mania", "Wallaby mania", "wallaby mania", "WallabyManiac", "Wallabymaniac", "wallabymaniac", "Wallaby Maniac", "Wallaby maniac", "wallaby maniac", and any derivations thereof, is copyrighted by WallabyMania and AniMania ( © 1999-2007 WallabyMania & AniMania ) and may not be used without the express written permission of WallabyMania and AniMania.

